Sunday, January 12, 2014

Daily Meditations for January 11 and January 12

Hello Friends, I took the weekend off for some fun and relaxation. I hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend!  I am back with Daily Meditations for January 11 and January 12.

January 11
Fear is only an illusion.  It is the illusion that creates the feeling of separateness--the false sense of isolation that exists only in your imagination.
--Jeraldine Saunders
We are one.  We are connected, interdependent pars of the whole..  We are not separate from each other except in the mind, in our false understanding of reality.  As we come to understand our connectedness, our need for one another to complete the whole of creation, our fears will die. 
It is often said we learn who we really are by closely observing our behavior toward the people in our lives.  We meet ourselves in those others.  They are our reflections.  They are, perhaps, parts we ourselves have not yet learned to love.  The program's message is to trust, to have faith; our higher power is in control.  We are faces with no person, no situation too big to handle if we trust the program, if we remember the connections among us all.
I will look around today at others, with knowledge of our oneness. Fearing not, I will smile upon the wholeness of life.

January 12
It isn't sufficient to seek wholeness through men, it never was and it never will be for any woman, married or single. 
--Patricia O'Brien
Most of us were encouraged from childhood on to "find a husband."  The message, often subtle, was nonetheless there.  And many of us did marry.  However, no relationship carries a lifetime guarantee.  Pinning our hopes on another person keeps us dependent, it keeps us in a "holding pattern."  It keeps us from making those choices tailored to who we are and who we want to be. 
Our recovery as women is closely aligned with our growth in decision making, our choosing responsible behavior and activities, our personal achievement.  We do, each of us, need to discover our own wholeness.  We need to celebrate our person hood.  We need to cheer one another on as women recovering from an addictive past, as worthwhile women in full measure.
I will respect my wholeness today.  I will help another woman nurture hers.
Blunt:  Today's meditation is good advice for any person in life.

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