January 13
I want, by understanding myself, to understand others. I want to be all that I am capable of becoming...This all sounds very strenuous and serious. But now that I have wrestled with it, it's no longer so. I feel happy--deep down. All is well.
--Katherine Mansfield
All is well. In the midst of turmoil, let us remember, all is well, in the midst of the pain of self-awareness, all is well. The struggle of the turmoil, the pain that accompanies the lessons of self-awareness, are preparing us for becoming all we are meant to become. We each have a special gift to offer in this life. We will come to understand those gifts and be able to give them as we grow with the pain of self-understanding. All is well. Deep down happiness ripples; it's rippling to the surface of our lives.
My lesson for today is understanding, of myself, and others. Happiness is the grade I earn each day of my "becoming."
Blunt: Well, this could not have come at a better time for me. Life is a daily adventure as we are unaware of what the day will bring. We must be flexible and bend to certain circumstances so we do not break. We learn and if we somehow forget a lesson; we will be reminded of it. As I reflect on my lesson from yesterday; it is to be gentle with myself because I am most critical of me, and to remember that agreements are put into place for a reason; exceptions can create turmoil-inner and outer.
May light, love and peace fill your week.
Remember: to be kind and gentle to YOU.
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