Friday, January 10, 2014

Daily Meditation for January 10

Good Afternoon!  Today is Friday, January 10.

A complete revaluation takes place in your physical and mental being when you've laughed and had some fun.
-Catherine Ponder
Norman Cousins, in his book Anatomy of an Illness, describes how he cured his fatal illness with laughter.  Laughter recharges our entire being; every cell is activated.  We come alive, and full vitality restores us physically and emotionally.  Many of us need both emotional and physical healing, but perhaps we've overlooked the times to laugh because we've been caught in a negative posture.
Unfortunately, negativity becomes habitual for many of us.  However, it's never too late to turn our lives around, to laugh instead of complain.  Choosing to see the bright side of life, to laugh at our mistakes, lessens our pain, emotional and physical.  Laughter encourages wellness.  It is habit forming and, better yet, contagious.  Bringing laughter to others can heal them as well. 
We all want health and happiness in ourselves and others, and we can find it by creating it.  The best prescription for whatever ails us may well be  a good laugh.
Today I'll seek out those chances to dispense a little medicine.
May light, love and peace fill your weekend!

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